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Frequently Asked Questions
If you cannot find an answer to your question below, you can contact us at
Jeg mottar ikke varsel om nye meldingerFor å få varsel om nye meldinger må du tillate varslinger i telefonens innstillinger. Dette gjøres enkelt her: iPhone: Gå inn på telefonens innstillinger > Varslinger > La Vandre > Android: Gå inn på Innstillinger > Apper> La Vandre>
How do I reset the password on my user?If you are logged in as a user and do not remember your password, it is possible to reset this. Click on the "Log in" button and then select forgotten password (glemt passord) and follow the instructions. You will then receive a link to your registered e-mail which makes it possible to reset the password. If you do not have access to the email address the profile is registered to, we unfortunately have no way of regaining access to your account. This policy is intended to ensure that La Vandre accounts do not fall into the wrong hands.
How do I change my profile picture?You can change your profile picture under settings (person icon on the menu bar). Just click on your profile picture and follow the instructions.
How do I find ads I've liked?You can find ads you have liked by pressing the heart symbol on the menu bar.
How do I create a new ad?To create a new ad, just click on the “+” button in the menu bar. Here you can add pictures, title (tittel), description (beskrivelse), price (pris), size (størrelse) and choose which of your groups (gruppe) the item should be posted in. You can also select if you are giving the item away for free (gir bort) or if you are looking to buy (Ønskes kjøpt) Finally, you choose the categories that best suit the item to be sold.
How can I delete or change an ad I have posted?If you want to change or delete an advertisement you have posted, go to your profile on the menu bar, find the advertisement to be changed. Here you can choose to change or mark sold. If you want to delete the ad, click on the three dots at the top right and select "Delete ad".
How do I switch between my groups?If you are a member of several groups, you can easily switch between them from the drop-down menu on the home screen. You can also add more groups here.
I can't access my photos, what do I do?To access all the photos on the phone, you must go to the phone's settings, find the La Vandre app, select "Photos" and then give access to "All photos".
Where can I find my group code?You get the group code from your nursery, school or sports team. Contact us at if you need help.
How do I pay for items I have purchased?You agree the settlement method yourself with the seller, but we recommend using Vipps as a means of payment.
How do I change my email address?The email address can be changed under settings.
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